Summer festivities are well underway in Nicholas County, WV. The first annual Nicholas County Kids Summerfest was held June 2nd at Veterans Memorial Park in Summersville, WV. Though the festival was geared specifically toward kids, the event featured a host of activities for the entire family to participate in. Craigsville Little League teamed up with the festival committee to earn money for a new batting cage for their park. Various attractions for the event were held to include a pageant for the little ones, a pet pageant, clowns, face painting, a kids photography and art display and contest, an ice cream social, balloons, games and goodies for all.

All attractions were wonderful, but none so special or inviting to the wee princesses of the county than to attend the Royal Tea Party. Twenty plus little princesses were in attendance at the royal celebration. They were each greeted by replica storybook princesses. I am proud to say that the costumes worn by the replica princesses were made by me. The adult princesses read to the children and were available for photo opportunities throughout the event. Each little princess was served a heart shaped cream cheese and jelly sandwich, cupcakes and apple juice in a souvenir tea-cup. Royal fun was had by all and I am sure the event will be a treasured memory by each little princess who attended.
The storybook princesses were each played by local girls of Nicholas County. They each looked lovely in their costume. The event was a huge success. Pam Hayhurst organized the event.
Shown here are a few photos of the replica storybook princesses wearing their costumes. I am proud to have been able to make the costumes for the princesses for this event. Like the little princesses, I am already looking forward to next years Kids Summerfest.